INDOSHYAMA: [ayurvede] Benefits, of Kumudini 2020

[ayurvede] Benefits, of Kumudini 2020

Benefits, properties, uses and detriments of Kumudini

      What is Water Lily (Kumudini)

    Both Kamal and Kumudini frequently have similitudes. The sun which develops within the lotus is that the lotus and therefore the moon that develops within the moon is named Kumud Kinva Kumudini. Acharya Charak has taken it within the Kashayavarga and within the Urinary Vagina and Acharya Sushruta has depicted Utpaladigana under its name. it's the Vanaushadhi of Kamalakul (Nymphiasi).

Kumudini is found wherever in tropical locales in India,

    in lakes and water stores. It happens more in Kashmir. How may be a Kumudini plant? : Kumudini plant - Kumudini plant resembles a lotus and watery. a few or increasingly rounded tubules project from its bulb and become secured with water. The leaves of Kumudini are round fit as a fiddle of a touch width of 6-10 inches, are cut on the subsurface and are yellow . a few of days after the very fact another inflorescence tube comes out from the focus of the said tuber. Bloom of Kumudini - The blossom is just like the lotus bloom yet it's to a point littler. The blossoms are single, 2–10 inch breadth white. These blooms blossom around night time when it's moonlight and vanishes within the first a part of the day. The pistil is arranged during a roundabout ring inside the bloom. some of those become interconnected and lots of are covered in Karnika. Product of Kumudini - The natural product is round, elastic, around one inch in distance across. Inside it, the cells contain mustard-like, ruddy white seeds that turn dark when matured. These are called Bhet or Bera. On simmering, they bloom like Ramdana, yet their skins are light and white.

Chemical Constituents

Its state of being features a moistness of 53.95 percent. There are likewise proteins, fats, starch and sugars. Proteins in seeds are quite starch scars.

Useful part of Kumudini plant

Flower, seed, root, placenta, almanac.

Utilization Amount: 

Pushpavaras-10 to 20 ml 

Day off 50 to 100 ml 

Blossom, powder - 1 to 4 grams 

Seed powder - 5 to 10 grams

Medicinal properties of Kumudini:

Rasa - Sweet, Kashay, Tikt. Characteristics - Small, balsamic, pastile, delicate (root and seed rash). 

Semen - Cold. Vipak - sweet. Doshakaram - Tridosha Har (particularly Kaphapitta Shamak). Its properties are typically lotus-like dahma relief (valuable in outer use and inward breath), average, ejaculatory (helpful in regurgitating), hepatic narcotic, pregnancy, diuretic, antipyretic, toxic, and pleasant. Broiled seeds of Kumud (offering, bera) are dietary in fever, duodenum then forth.

Utilization of Kumudini in Hridadva (more heartbeat) 

    Prepare 50 grams of valuable Kumudini bloom in 1/2 liter water when 100 ml. At the purpose when the water is left, at that time channel and include 200 grams of candy thereto and found out the flapjack deliberately. Amount - 10 to twenty ml.

Use of lily to protect against abortion

Take 60 - 60 grams of Kumudini blossom or Nilofar, Mustak, Ushir, Chandan and Asparagus and make a liter of 250 ml. Absorb the concentrate rose and reserve it for 12 to 13 hours. From that time forward, bubble an outsized portion of the concentrate staying by bubbling it on the hearth and channel it and blend twice the maximum amount sugar and set it up appropriately. This implantation is advantageous in pregnancy unnatural birth cycle, hack (retching), dah and eagerness. it's additionally advantageous in epilepsy, epilepsy then on.

Use of Kumudini benefits in fever (fever)

Take 50 grams of Kumudini blossom (dry) and offer it to 500 ml. Absorbed water for the nonce Separated and sifted. With this, there's a concealment of intense fever and fever, consuming then on. Alongside this, seeds of seeds need to tend within the eating routine. apart from this, there's likewise concealment of scatters like acid reflux (exorbitant pulsating of heart), hack (retching) then on.

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