1. Name of Organization: Akbar Holidays Pvt Ltd Contact: 022-4918 3434 Email: info@akbarholidays.com Website: www.akbartravels.com / holidays City: Mumbai
2. Name of Organization: Amazing Vacations Contact: 022-6638 2700 Email: jeenal@amazingvacations.in City: Mumbai
3. Name of Organization: Axplore Travelplus Pvt Ltd Contact: 91 989202175 Email: sunil @ axplore.in : Mumbai City
4. Name of Organization: Arika Tour & Travels Pvt. Ltd. Contact: 022 4041 4243 Email: sales@arikaholidays.com: Mumbai City
5. Name of Organization: Ahura Travels Contact: 022-4066 6555 Email: info@ahuratravels.com: Mumbai City
6. Name of Organization: Akquasun Group Contact: 022-6134 1515 Email: contact@akquasun.com City: Mumbai
7. Name of Organization: Bonton Holidays PVT. LTD. Contact: 022-61799100 Email: contactus@bontonholidays.com City: Mumbai H
8. Name of Organization: BON VOYAGE TOURS Contact: 98212-04592 98695-62223 Email: bonvoyage83@hotmail.com bonvoyage83@gmail.com: Mumbai City
9. Name of Organization: BLISS TRAVELS Contact: 88791 73284 Email: info@blisstravels.in City: Mumbai
10. Name of Organization: Cox and Kings Contact: 022-61968888 Email: asktradefairs@coxandkings.com City: Mumbai
11. Name of Organization: Corporate Flyers Pvt Ltd Contact: info@corporateflyers.com Email: 98200 83818, 22-62316800 / 899 City: Mumbai
12. Name of Organization: Dimaz Group Contact Email: 022-28264333 / 28264666: mail@dimazgroup.com info @ dimazgroup. com City •
13.Name of Organization European Voyages 9867886893 saithan europeanvoyages.eu Mumbai
14. Name of Organization: Gilpin Tours & Travel Matragement (India) Pvt. Ltd. Contact Achi Bajirao - VP - Tours Email achi@gilpintravelindia.com www.gipin.in • Bombay
15 Maret Organization Golden Holidays Travels India Pvt. Ltd: 022 2877 1669, 98205-33301 info@ghinto.com Mumbai
16. Name of Organization: Go Go Travels Contact 1022-61523030,43569988 info@gogotravels.in Mumbai
17. Name of Organization: Hind Musafir Agency Ltd. Contact 3 022-22023626 info@hmatravel.com: Mumbai
18. Name of Organization: Heron Travels & Holidays Contatt: 022 2674 3440 Email: info@heron.co.in • Mumbai
19. Name of Organization: Marvey India Tours & Travels Contact : 022-4355 4343 info@harveyindia.com Mumbai
20. Name of Organization: ITL Holidays Pvt. Ltd. Contact: 022-4093 6666,98330-75228 Email mahesh@ititravel.com Mumbai
21. Name of Organization: ISLAND GROUP Contact: 022-2661 7900 Email: nitya@islandgroup.in City: Mumbai
22. Name of Organization: Inorbit Tours Pvt. Ltd Contact: 022-24229281 City: Mumbai
23. Name of Organization: JV Travels Pvt Ltd Contact: 022-4210 5959: jvall@jvtravels.com Email
24. Name of Organization: Kohinoor Tour & travels Contact: 88987 81057 Email: infokohinoortour @ gmail.com City: Mumbai
25. Name of Organization: Light House Entertainment India Pvt Ltd Contact: 99870-82088, 022-28089484 Email: martin@lighthouseworld.co.in City: Mumbai
26. Name of Organization: Musafir Travel Management Contact: 98192-88528 Email: mice@musafirtravels.com City: Mumbai
27. Name of Organization: MERCURY TRAVELS LIMITED Contact: 022-6615 0873 Email: india@mercurytravels.in: Mumbai City
28. Name of Organization: Nisarg Holidays Contact: 022- 28758601, 99204-51398 Email: pintailtour@gmail.com
City: Mumbai
29. Name of Organization: Orion Travel & Tours: 022-5535 3581 + Mumbai
30. Name or organization: PRATHVI TRAVELS Contact 1 98206.47493,
022-25434401 Email: info@prathvitravels.com, alkamwprathvitravels.com City Mumbai
31. Name of Organization I PRIMARK TRAVEL HOUSE PVT. LTD Contact 183559 92000 I travel@pthmail.com City i Mumbai
32. Name of Organization: Pegasus Events Pvt ltd Contact saakshi d@pegasusevents.in Email 190228 02322 City Mumbai
33. Name of Organization: Rainbow Trade Fairs Tours Contact: 022- 64539425: mail@rainbowworldtours.com City: Mumbai
34. Name of Organization: RAJAS TRAVELS Contact 198201-23553 / 72087-20812 Email: vikrant@rajastravels.com Website: www.rajastravels.com city: Mumbai
35. Name of Organization: SKIL Contact: 022 42422111 / 91520-96668 Email: contactus@skiltravel.com Website i skiltravel.com City • Mumbai
36. Name of Organization: SPICE Travel Pvt ltd Contact: 022-2352 0344: mail@spice-travel.com # Mumbai City
37. Name of Organization Suryoday Tours & Travel and Contact Email: raj@suryodaytravel.com City: Mumbai
38. Name of Organization Seventy Event Media Group Contact: 022-66022700 Email: info@severityemg.com City: Mumbai
39 Name of Organization: Sambhav Trade Tours Contact: 022-26734863 / 6344/4892 Email: drs@sambhax.net City: Murbai
40. Name of Organization: Tamarind Global Contact: 022-66802500 Email: info@tamarindglobal.com City: Mumbai
41. Name of Organization: Trust Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. Contact: 022-40412299 Email: fort@trusttravel.in City: Murnbai
42. Name of Organization: Travel Port Contact: 040-2322 6161 Email: contact@travelport.in City: Mumbai
43. Name of Organization: Trinity Air Travel & Tours Pvt LLC Contact: 022-66847799 Email: hr@trinityairtravel.com City: Mumbai
44. Name of Organization: Tibro Tours Pvt. Ltd Contact: 022-24102801 Email: info@tibro.in City: Mumbai
45. Name of Organization: Trius Holidays Contact: 9833854482 Email: sanjeev@triusholiday.com City: Mumbai
46. Name of Organization: The Wanderers Contact: 022-2648 8784 Email: info@thewanderers.co.in City: Mumbai
47. Name of Organization: Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt.Ltd. Contact: 022-61940940, 022-61940931 Email: tbimumbai@tbi.co.in City: Mumbai
48. Name of Organization: VEENA World Contact: 022-2101 7979 Email: travel@veenaworld.com City: Mumbai
49. Name of Organization : Wander Lust Travel Hub Contact: 98677-49610 Email: vp@wanderlusttravelhub.com City: Mumbai
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