Boudh Gaya

Tiladhak Mahavihara .....

 Yes, only Tiladhak Mahavihara is written in the records, it is about 33 kilometer west of Nalanda Mahavihara….

 In the seventh century, Xuanzang called it "Tiloshikya Sangaharam", praising it ....

 It is written that there are four pavilions and three blocks in Tiloshikya Sangharam, high-turrets have been built ....

 There are three viharas on the intermediate gate road, metal firings and bells all over it, dancing in the air….

 Doors - on the windows, on the stairs there is copper carving, gold gilded, there are a thousand bhikkhus…

 There were other centers of education around the Tiladhak Mahavihara, Etsing has written that there used to be a teacher of Hetuvidya near Tiladh, Wu-hing had read Hetology from them.

 Chinese traveler Etsing has called it Tiladh and has told that the famous Buddhist philosopher Gyanachandra lived in this Vihara….

 The Mughal period historian Abul Fazl mentions it as "Tildah" in "Ain-e-Akbari" and states that Tildah was one of the 46 Mahals of Bihar .....

 But Abul Fazal has not described the Mahavihara, because his earlier historian Minhaj described it as mound in Tabakat-e-Nasiri, 200 meters long and 100 meters wide .....

 When the rule of the company came to India, it was recorded as a pargana in the East India Company map in 1842 - 45 ....

 Nalanda magistrate A.D.  M. Bradley tried to capture its ancient history for the first time in 1872 ....

 The news reached Alexander Cunningham, Cunningham visited the Tiladhak Mahavihara between 1872 and 1878 .....

 After independence, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar arrived here in 2007 and then started excavation on December 26, 2009 by first shovel .....

 The history of a big knowledge center emerged in the excavation, Sadhana Room- Verandah - Patio - Well - Seal - Statues - Lots of rooms ....

 Currently it is called Telhada Mahavihar, in Ekangarasarai block of Nalanda district ....

 Hiuen Tsang has written that this Mahavihara was built by the last descendants of Bimbisara, so it is evident that it is the oldest from Mahaviharas like Nalanda and Vikramashila ……

 Archaeological Survey of India has given permission for it to be excavated again tomorrow and the excavation will start only in this February, 2021 .....

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